Helpful Articles
Kids and the Flu Shot: 11 Things Every Parent Needs to Know about the 2015-2016 Influenza Vaccine
A St. Louis pediatrician has written a very informative article discussing the flu vaccine. Parents often ask these very questions. All your doctors at KPA strongly recommend the flu vaccine.…
Read MorePoor Contact Lens Hygiene Puts Users at Risk of Serious Infections
The risks of being lazy about your contact lenses are probably more serious than you think. When you send your sweet babies off to college, don’t forget to include…
Read MoreGreat advice for “bleacher coaches”
Here is something from that might interest you: The best way to cheer for a child from the sidelines.
Read MoreBackpack complaints are a matter of perception
We blessed the backpacks at church last week but some of our kids seemed more interested in a ceremony called “cursing of the backpacks”. It does seem that in this…
Read MoreImmunization
Part of young parents’ reticence to immunize their kids is due to the fact that they have lived in a golden age of medicine; they have never witnessed the ravages…
Read MoreGardasil HPV Vaccine Safety
This is a great article discussing the safety of the Gardasil vaccine. I highly recommend this vaccine to all of my adolescent patients – both male and female. The earlier…
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