My Child is Older, Does He/She Really Need a Checkup?
When your child is preschool age it often seems routine to get a checkup. After the kindergarten checkup many people wonder what the purpose of a checkup really is. KPA and the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommend physicals every year through adolescence and into young adult years.
There are no more dynamic times in one’s entire life than the pediatric years when growth, developmental progress, school performance issues, social interactions, athletic readiness, allergies, weight to height relationships, curvature of the spine, digestive issues, nutrition concerns, acne, bullying, abuse, family discords, puberty questions, height predictions to name a few issues, are requiring attention regularly. Your pediatrician is especially skilled, like no other medical provider, to address these and myriads of other problems that are part of the physical, social, and emotional makeup of the ever changing child.
Things such as need for immunizations at 7th grade are necessary and important but only a small part of the pediatrician’s focus. Camp and sports physicals are items that can be addressed without last minute rushes when you get a regular yearly exam. New and updated immunizations are frequently available to protect against diseases you don’t want your child to get. Getting these done at work or walk-in clinics removes the continuity of regularly addressing growth and overall health as they relate to the past medical, family, and social history that might be uniquely known to your child’s pediatrician.
All of your KPA pediatricians are board certified and maintain currency as required by the board. This mean retesting on a regular basis as well as yearly requirements for continuing education. Your KPA doctors additionally maintain competency in pediatric emergency management.
Your child’s health is important to us and to you. Watching them grow with the confidence that a regular complete exam is helpful for us and ultimately for you and your child. If it has been over a year since your last checkup take the time to call for an appointment. Waits are not typically long.