Doctors Blog

Fighting childhood obesity

By Dr. Ronald Rimer | August 21, 2015

A great article about building core strength in addition to aerobic conditioning as ingredients in creating healthy children with good habits for a fulfilling life. Click here to read full…

Sleep Deprivation in Children

By Dr. Ronald Rimer | August 11, 2015

Sleep deprivation in our children is an insidious health problem with potential for multiple types of health problems later in life. School age kids need 9-11 hours of sleep nightly,…

Snoring Children May Suffer From Sleep Apnea

By Dr. Ronald Rimer | July 30, 2015

The best example of obstructive sleep apnea was described by a young Charles Dickens in his portrayal of the overweight and sleepy Samuel Pickwick. Until recently the disease was known…

Can tick-removal tools top tweezers?

By Dr. Ronald Rimer | July 28, 2015 Not many ticks on Wall Street but there are beaucoup where the Wall streeters live on Long Island. Whichever contraption you use to remove them (KPA recommends tweezers with…

Why Did Every Touch Cause This 2-Year-Old Pain?

By Dr. Ronald Rimer | July 28, 2015

This article demonstrates the love affair with laboratory testing that doctors have developed. An analysis of the developmental and nutritional history should have triggered at least the thought of a…

Knoxville Pediatric Associates Has a New Website

By Rebecca Santos | May 5, 2015

Welcome to Knoxville Pediatric Associate’s new website! We’ve enhanced the overall look and feel of the site and added some new features as well — including this blog. We invite…

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