Don’t Keep The Secret!
Domestic violence is a common problem which has a major impact on families and children. If you or anyone you know might be a victim, ask the following questions.
- Keep track of all your time?
- Accuse you of being unfaithful?
- Try to keep you from family and friends?
- Prevent you from working or going to school?
- Criticize, belittle, or humiliate you?
- Anger easily when drinking?
- Hit, slap or punch you, your children or your pets?
- Act jealous or possessive?
- Yell and call you names?
- Blame others for problems and mistakes?
- Threaten you with a weapon or gun?
- Force you to have sex against your will?
- Accuse you of being equally abusive?
If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, you are in an abusive relationship.
DON’T KEEP THE SECRET. Talk about it! No one deserve to be hurt. Not you, not your children. Tell your doctor if your child has been hurt.
Call the Knoxville Family Justice Center HELPLINE (865) 521-6336. Their services are FREE.