He’s Back!
He’s back!
After a year’s hibernation as a result of asthma and Covid Dr. Rimer is delighted to be returning to KPA. He will be working once weekly on Thursday afternoons at the Clinch office.
During his Covid vacation, he dutifully kept up with his pediatric reading but he also decided early on that this transiently painful episode in a long and joy filled life was an invitation to experience and learn. So, he baked sourdough, learned geology, hiked his beloved Smoky Mountains in wind, snow, rain and 25 degree cold and 95-degree heat. He became a Covid resource person for his church. He tamed Zoom so that he could attend his movie group remotely. And most importantly he helped hold his family, both biologic and fraternal together through this terrible ordeal, hiking with his grandsons, having socially distant pretty awkward family dinners and attending men’s group, neighborhood and book group meetings outdoors in heat and cold. And he prayed harder than ever for family, friends, patients and for the world.