Knoxville Pediatric Associates Has a New Website
Welcome to Knoxville Pediatric Associate’s new website! We’ve enhanced the overall look and feel of the site and added some new features as well — including this blog. We invite you to look around and offer your feedback.
I especially want to point out the Bill Pay link is on the home page as well as other pages, which are there as a convenience to you. Additionally, in our Resources (link) section, we have important tips for child health and safety and valuable medical information about common conditions including how to care for your child at home.
Finally, in our Meet Our Practitioners section, you can get to know our entire team of physicians. What you should also know is that our team is not just working on behalf of children that are patients of our office. They are also out in the community sharing and gaining knowledge because they are passionate about children’s health.
Dr. Mike Reiss is the current Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Blount Memorial Hospital. Dr. Barbara Summers and Dr. Scott Brice serve on the Board of Directors at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital (ETCH), and Dr. Summers is the current Chief of Staff at ETCH. A KPA physician has always served on the board of directors at Partners in Pediatrics, the Physician Hospital Organization at ETCH. Currently serving in that role is Dr. Scott Brice. Several KPA physicians serve as committee members on a variety of additional ETCH committees:
- ETCH Corporate Compliance Committee: Dr. Summers
- ETCH After Hours Medical Advisory Committee: Dr. Blevins
- ETCH Board Quality Assurance Committee: Dr. Summers
- ETCH Infection Control Committee: Dr. Freeman
- ETCH Infectious Disease Committee: Dr. Gilmer
- ETCH Utilization Review Committee: Dr. Gilmer
- ETCH Credentialing Committee: Dr. Summers
- ETCH Medical Records Committee: Dr. Herron
- ETCH Executive Committee: Drs. Summers and Terry
- ETCH Bylaws Committee: Drs. Terry and Stanley
- ETCH Pharmacy &Therapeutics Committee: Dr. Padgett
- ETCH Continuing Medical Education Committee: Dr. Brice
- ETCH Department of Medicine Committee: Drs. Yen and Fogle
- ETCH Investment Committee: Dr. Terry
As always, your child’s care is our top priority. We hope this website will bring us one step closer to helping us connect with you about the latest information that can help us care for your kids together.