My Son Loves to Fish…
Heard of Fortnite? Snapchat? Instagram? I’d bet your child knows! The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a maximum of 2 hours of screen time per day. Today’s children are spending an average of 7 hours a day on entertainment media, including televisions, computers, phones and other electronic devices. The AAP and have developed a Family Media Use Plan that can help you and your child/children create healthy media choices. Check this out…
Better yet…take some time out of your busy schedules to interact with your children. Go to their band/chorus/orchestra concerts, ballgames, plays/recitals, etc. It means more to them then you may think! Find a hobby that you can enjoy with your children. My son loves to fish, and thankfully, so do I! Tennessee recently had its annual Fish For Free week. It’s a great opportunity to spend some quality time outdoors (away from screens) with your child. Even if you spend most of it untangling line! Have a great summer!